Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Knowing, understanding and using your learning style Essay

Knowing, understanding and using your learning style - Essay Example Following this programme will enable you to assess which learning style you prefer and the mentoring programme should help you develop them. Whilst Kolb's theory described learning as an integrated process in which all stages have to be completed, he went on to say that people are rarely fully effective in all stages. He produces variants of his main stages and by combining various parts of the four stages, identified four main styles of learner. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford have done a great deal of work in the area of management development and learning. They have looked at Kolb's work amongst others and developed a theory of learning styles which has much in common with Kolb's theories. They describe the four main learning styles as: As has been said before, people may not be fully effective learners at all stages of the learning cycle. Honey and Mumford's work helps to identify the stages at which your learning is most effective: i.e. your preferred learning style. This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning styles. Over the years you will have developed learning habits that help you benefit more from some experiences than others. Since you are probably unaware of this, this questionnaire will help you pinpoint your learning preferences so that you are in a better position to select learning experiences that suit your style. There is no time limit to this questionnaire. ... They describe the four main learning styles as: 1. Activist 2. Reflector 3. Theorist 4. Pragmatist Linking this to Kolb's learning cycle you will see that they feel: ACTIVIST links to DOING REFLECTOR links to REVIEWING THEORIST links to CONCLUDING PRAGMATIST links to PLANNING As has been said before, people may not be fully effective learners at all stages of the learning cycle. Honey and Mumford's work helps to identify the stages at which your learning is most effective: i.e. your preferred learning style. The next exercise will be looking at preferred learning styles. Learning Styles Questionnaire [Honey & Mumford 1986] This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning styles. Over the years you will have developed learning habits that help you benefit more from some experiences than others. Since you are probably unaware of this, this questionnaire will help you pinpoint your learning preferences so that you are in a better position to select learning experiences that suit your style. There is no time limit to this questionnaire. It will probably take you 10-15 minutes. The accuracy of the results depends on how honest you are. There are no right or wrong answers. If you agree with a statement more than you disagree with a statement put a tick by it. If you disagree more than you agree put a cross by it. Be sure to mark each item with either a tick or a cross. (1) I have strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad (2) I often act without considering the possible consequences (3) I tend to solve problems by using a step by step approach (4) I believe that formal procedures and policies restrict people (5) I have a reputation for saying what

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